Listen or Read Dr. Rubinstein’s Monthly Podcast Interview!
Topic: Joint Pain
Below you will find an easy to read transcript of Dr. Gregg Rubinstein’s interview on the razorcast™ monthly podcast. You can either watch the video to listen to the podcast or simply read the easy to follow transcript below. Enjoy!
Podcast Interview:
RC: Hello everyone, this is Liz Harvey coming to you from our razorcast™ studios in New York City where we are dedicated to bringing you top quality advice from many of the leading expert professionals across the United States.
In today’s episode, we are speaking with chiropractor, Dr. Gregg Rubinstein. Dr. Rubinstein is the founder of 57th Street Chiropractic located in the heart of midtown Manhattan where he has been practicing since 1993. He specializes in pediatric & family care and Dr. Rubinstein is a long standing member of the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association. He also serves as a board member of Friends of Fresh and Green Academy, a non-profit organization that does extensive charity work in education in Ethiopia.
Dr. Rubinstein is widely considered to be one of the top chiropractors in the U.S. and is also a contributing member of our national network of razorcast™ professionals.
Today, we are going to talk about a very important topic: Joint Pain.
RC: Hi Dr. Rubinstein. How are you today?
Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: I’m doing great Liz. Thanks for having me on again.
RC: Well, it’s great to have you.
Question 1: What are some common types of joint pain people experience?
RC: So I’m going to jump right in here. What are some common types of joint pain that people experience?
Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: You know, joint pain happens in a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. Most common types – really people will complain about stiffness, achiness, deep aching pain, swelling, inflammation. That type of stuff is generally what you’re going to see in the joints. So usually when someone comes in with some type of joint pain, they usually describe it as stiffness, inability to move or pressure inside the joints, soreness. Those types of things are usually what people are going to describe when they’re coming in with joint pain.
Question 2: What are some of the causes of joint pain?
RC: Alright and what are some of the causes of joint pain?
Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: Well, there are many different types of causes. There could be auto-immunes; there could be an infection inside the joint; there can be inflammation; they can be degenerative. They can be secondary to misalignments, when the joints aren’t lined up right, the mechanics start to get off and that causes more friction which will then cause inflammation and pain and discomfort. Blunt force trauma – if I fall down and hit my elbow that’s going to be a cause of joint pain. Stress, tension, people who are obese or carry extra weight can load up the joints and that can cause pain as well. But I find that joints are really designed to function properly and they’ll function well as long as they’re in good alignment because basically structure dictates how something functions. So the better something is lined up and structured, it’s going to function better and serve you well.
Question 3: When does joint pain become arthritis?
RC: And when does joint pain become arthritis?
Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: Well that’s a good question. I get that a lot and when people start looking at the technical names that we get, like ‘arthritis’ is really just a Latin word. ‘Arth’ is the Latin route for joint and ‘itis’ means inflammation. So, if I have inflammation of a joint, I have arthritis. If I have tonsillitis, it’s just inflammation of the tonsils. So when we look at that, arthritis is anything that causes inflammation of the joint. And then there’s different types of arthritis that come up and then you can start to look at the different types. There’s inflammatory, there’s degenerative, there’s rheumatoid arthritis. Those are different types of arthritis. So joint pain doesn’t necessarily become arthritis, arthritis is really a Latin or technical/medical term for joint pain or inflammation in the joint.
Question 4: How does chiropractic care help with joint pain and arthritis?
RC: Okay that’s great to know, and how does chiropractic care help with joint pain or arthritis?
Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: Well if you remember before, I was talking a little bit about (you know) in order for a joint to function properly, it needs to be in good alignment. Chiropractors are specialists in keeping the joints lined up. The reason that chiropractors are so concerned with the alignment, particularly of the spine, if you look at the bones of the spine, they stack up and they’re designed to protect your central nervous system which is the spinal cord and then the delicate spinal nerves which exit from the spinal cord in between adjacent vertebra. If those joints get misaligned, those bones are actually going to irritate the very nerves that they are designed to protect. So when you get that misalignment, it will actually irritate the nerve and that can cause pain and discomfort but it can also affect the way the body functions.
So chiropractors are really concerned about the alignment of the spine most particularly because if you can correct the alignment of the spine, you’ll minimize any interference or pressure on the nerve system which will definitely prevent pain and discomfort and ensure proper function of your nerve system. But when those joints get misaligned, they’re going to start to rub on each other. The mechanics won’t be so smooth. Then the joints will degenerate, the cartilage will degenerate and that’s what most people will call arthritis. So by doing a series of what we call spinal adjustments, we can realign the vertebra, ensure good mechanics and minimize the pressure or interference on those nerves.
Question 5: What can people do at home to help with their joint pain?
RC: Alright and what can people do at home to help with their joint pain?
Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: Well, there’s a lot of different things we can look at. You know me as a chiropractor, I always look at the spinal adjusting to make sure that everything’s lined up but there are certain foods that can actually aggravate arthritic conditions and other foods that can help decrease them, right? So diet is a huge part of it. Exercise is extremely important because if you don’t keep the joints moving, the joints don’t stay healthy. If you ever saw someone who had broken an arm and they had their elbow in a cast, that whole arm when they weren’t moving it – that elbow started to degenerate. So keeping a joint moving is really important so exercise is a big part of keeping it going. And if you ever look at senior citizens when they start to develop arthritis because it hurts to move, they start to move less and the joints degenerate even faster. So you need to keep them moving and in good alignment. You need to make sure that you feed the machine the right stuff because nightshade vegetables will add to inflammation: tomatoes, peppers, things like that will actually add inflammation and create and arthritic condition that can actually become worse. Other great self-care and home care items include stretching, yoga, meditation to help with pain or discomfort. Massage is also really effective in keeping the joints lined up and flowing well. So those are all things that are really important. But as a chiropractor, we always focus on the alignment as primary for us.
RC: Well this has been great. Thank you so much Dr. Rubinstein. We know you are extremely busy so I just want to thank you for your time and help today.
Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: Well it’s really an honor to help out and I really appreciate the time and being on here.
RC: Thanks and for our listeners across the country, if you are interested in speaking with Dr. Gregg Rubinstein, you can either go online at or call (917) 534-6484 to schedule an appointment.
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