maternity chiropractor nyc

The Biggest Chiropractic Myth

The biggest chiropractic myth is the idea about chiropractic not being safe. A lot of people are afraid to go to a chiropractor and they think that it’s unsafe. It really couldn’t be farther from the truth because chiropractic is…
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The Webster Technique FAQ

Chiropractors have great success performing the Webster Technique on pregnant women. Women experience more comfortable pregnancies and less complicated deliveries as a result of having relaxed ligaments around the uterus and less nerve pressure on the pelvic girdle and lumbar…
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Chiropractors Can Help with Common Pregnancy Pains

Valua Vitaly/ Most commonly in pregnancy, expecting moms are going to start to see lower back pain and sciatica. As the pregnancy starts to continue and move forward, she’s going to be gaining weight. The center of gravity moves forward…
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Managing the Aches and Pains of Pregnancy

Chiropractors can help women through the aches and pains of pregnancy by providing chiropractic adjustments using the Webster Technique which aligns the spine and pelvis and relieves tension and nerve pressure. Prenatal yoga and pregnancy massage are other natural ways…
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